MicroGISTrack as an anti-theft system
The flexibility of the MicroGISTrack monitoring system allows you to organize both simple monitoring systems and complex monitoring and analytical systems. One of the difficult solutions is - GPS / GLONASS anti-theft system.
GPS / GLONASS anti-theft system - built using new generation integrated solutions and implemented at the highest technical level, convenient and reliable in operation.
GPS/GLONASS anti-theft system - installed on your vehicle, is mainly designed to provide anti-theft security, including countering attempts to forcibly seize the vehicle. And also, transfer to:
- MicroGISTrack monitoring server;
- Mobile phone of the owner and proxies;
alarms, location information, monitored vehicle parameters when:
- attempt to steal a vehicle;
- attempted robbery against the owner of the vehicle;
- the need to communicate with the dispatcher in case of an emergency *;
- the desire of the driver or authorized representative;
GPS/GLONASS anti-theft system - includes:
- GPS/GLONASS search engine;
- Modern high-performance anti-theft security tool, including means to counter attempts to forcibly seize a vehicle.
Features of GPS/GLONASS anti-theft system:
- The use of this system is possible on any modern cars, without causing harm to regular electronic systems.
- The system is completely autonomous and does not require intervention in the operation of regular vehicle systems.
- The system excludes any driver action to deactivate the anti-theft function.
- In this system, for the first time, the software and hardware algorithm of "approach-removal recognition" of the owner was used, which makes it possible to implement anti-theft and anti-burglary functions at a new level.
- The manufacturer guarantees that the original interactive encryption algorithm of the owner authorization procedure used in this equipment excludes any possibility of "electronic hacking" (within the next 15 years), is protected from relay methods and is currently the most advanced solution used in tools ensure the anti-theft security of the car.
GPS/GLONASS anti-theft system provides:
- The safety of your car, the safety of the driver and cargo;
- Control the location and condition of your cars without leaving your home or office;
- Prevention of misuse of service vehicles;
GPS/GLONASS anti-theft system responds instantly:
- When you try to enter the cabin through the doors or trunk, open the hood or break glass in armed mode;
- When the standard battery is disconnected;
- When the connecting wires, antennas, sensors of the satellite terminal are broken
- When starting the engine without owner identification;
- When loading onto a tow truck or when towing a vehicle;
- When the panic button is pressed;
GPS/GLONASS anti-theft system can transmit to the user:
- Activation/Deactivation of the SOS button (sms/call);
- Arm/Disarm;
- Activate/deactivate alarm (sms/call);
- Activation / Deactivation of the "ignition";
- Vehicle battery drain;
- Device backup battery low;
- Vehicle exceeding the maximum permitted speed
- Enter/Exit geofence;
- Removing/Installing the vehicle battery;
- Disappearance/appearance of GPS signal (dead zones, jamming);
- Enter/Exit sleep mode;
- Open (cut) GPS antenna;
- Device reboot;
- Report at a specified interval;
- Unauthorized towing signal;
- Data on the amount of fuel (optional);
- And much more...
What does the user need to have?
- Any personal computer or mobile device with Internet access;
- Satellite Terminal installed on car;
- Anti-theft security device;
What are the advantages of a GPS/GLONASS anti-theft system?
- The customer can control moving objects in real time.
- The system does not require the preparation of a special workplace for control.
- The system does not require the installation of special software for monitoring.
- The object database can be accessed from any computer or mobile device with Internet access through a web browser.
- No special knowledge or training is required to use the system.
- The system keeps a history of movements over a long period of time.
- The system works with a large number of open map services.
How does it work?
- The satellite terminal is discreetly installed inside the vehicle and connected to systems whose parameters need to be controlled by the customer;
- Control over the movement of the object, as well as over the controlled parameters, is carried out using the Internet in real time;
- The car alarm is responsible for guarding the car, the tracker is responsible for sending notifications to the user;
- A huge number of reports available in the system will greatly simplify the analysis of the performance of both a single vehicle and the fleet as a whole;
- Satellite terminals installed on the vehicle, at the request of the customer, can be additionally equipped with cameras, hands-free kits, immobilizers, information boards, fuel consumption sensors ...

Scheme of operation of the GPS/GLONASS anti-theft system:
The system implements:
- Interaction with any car security system;
- Ability at any time in real time to find out what is happening with your vehicle, regardless of the distance between you;
- Monitoring the status of car alarms;
- Collision control;
- Unauthorized towing control;
- Remote blocking of engine operation;
- Remote check of the status of vehicle systems (including the battery);
- Additional types of control: photo control, geofence visit control, access control;
- Transmission of alarm signals from the SOS button (panic button) and car alarms to the owner's phone numbers;
Additional features:
- Building geofences with the ability to control entry/exit from/to the zone(s);
- Construction of geocorridors with the ability to control entry/exit from/to the corridor(s);
- Building/planning routes and calculating their distances;
- Building route sheets and tasks;
- Building a large number of reports on the work / use of transport;
- Building a large number of reports on the work of the driver(s);
Types of reports:
- The distance traveled for the period;
- The distance traveled during the work;
- Travel time per period;
- Downtime per period;
- Report on movement in geo-zones;
- Report on visiting geo-zones;
- Fuel consumption reports;
- Report on fuel consumption according to norms (coefficients are available);
- OBD diagnostic report;
- Speeding report;
- Report on exceeding the set speed;
- Report on the last location of monitoring objects;
- HR information report;
- Report on excessive inactivity of monitoring objects;
- Trip history report;
- Reports on the work of drivers;
- Photo reports;
- As well as group and summary reports.
The effect of the introduction of the GPS/GLONASS anti-theft system:
- The system is installed invisibly and cannot be detected by intruders.
- The owner can perform fuel lockout (engine operation).
- When you try to evacuate the car, in various ways, the sensors of the system instantly transmit an alarm.
- The amount of investment in equipment, operating costs and payback period have reached levels acceptable even for private vehicle owners.
- Modern, reliable equipment offered by our company and the work of the service center of our partners is the safety of your vehicle in the conditions of life of a modern metropolis.
- Therefore, it's time to think about whether to remain in the dark and work according to the old scheme, or switch to new advanced technologies that allow you to be more confident in your own safety?!