MicroGISTrack as a search engine
The flexibility of the MicroGISTrack monitoring system allows you to organize both complex monitoring and analytical systems, and simple ones. One of the simple solutions is a GPS/GLONASS search engine. GPS/GLONASS search engine is mainly designed to transmit:
- To the MicroGISTrack monitoring server;
- To the mobile phone of the owner and proxies;
information about the current location of the car, as well as a number of controlled parameters automatically at specified intervals or on request.
Features of GPS/GLONASS search engine:
- The use of this system is possible on any modern cars, without causing harm to regular electronic systems.
- The system is completely autonomous and does not require intervention in the operation of regular vehicle systems
GPS/GLONASS search engine provides:
- Control the location and condition of your cars without leaving your home or office;
- Prevention of misuse of service vehicles;
GPS/GLONASS search engine responds instantly:
- When the standard battery is disconnected;
- When the connecting wires, antennas, sensors of the satellite terminal are broken
- When loading onto a tow truck or when towing a vehicle;
- On impact;
- When the panic button is pressed;
GPS/GLONASS search engine can send to the user:
- The customer can control moving objects in real time.
- The system does not require the preparation of a special workplace for control.
- The system does not require the installation of special software for monitoring.
- Access to the database of objects is carried out from any computer or mobile device that has Internet access through a regular WEB browser.
- No special knowledge or training is required to use the system.
- The system keeps a history of movements over a long period of time.
- The system works with a large number of open map services.
How does it work?
- The satellite terminal is discreetly installed inside the vehicle and connected to systems whose parameters need to be controlled by the customer;
- Control over the movement of the object, as well as over the controlled parameters, is carried out using the Internet in real time;
- In the event of an emergency, the driver will be able to send you an alarm with one click on the "panic" button;
- A huge number of reports available in the system will greatly simplify the analysis of the performance of both a single vehicle and the fleet as a whole;
- Satellite terminals installed on the vehicle, at the request of the customer, can be additionally equipped with cameras, hands-free kits, immobilizers, information boards, fuel consumption sensors ...

Scheme of operation of the GPS/GLONASS search engine:
GPS/GLONASS search engine allows:
- Get real-time information about what is happening with your vehicle, regardless of the distance between you;
- Collision control;
- Unauthorized towing control;
- Remote blocking of engine operation;
- Remote check of the status of vehicle systems (including the battery);
- Additional types of control: photo control, geofence visit control, access control;
- Transmission of alarm signals from the SOS button (panic button) to the MicroGISTrack monitoring system with duplication to the owner's phone numbers;
Additional features:
- Building geofences with the ability to control entry/exit from/to the zone(s);
- Construction of geocorridors with the ability to control entry/exit from/to the corridor(s);
- Building/planning routes and calculating their distances;
- Building route sheets and tasks;
- Building a large number of reports on the work / use of transport;
- Building a large number of reports on the work of the driver(s);
Effect of implementing GPS/GLONASS search engine:
- The system is installed invisibly and cannot be detected by intruders.
- Blocking the fuel supply (engine operation) can be performed by the owner.
- When attempting to evacuate the vehicle, in various ways, the system's sensors instantly transmit an alarm signal to the MicroGISTrack system and / or to the user's mobile phone.
- The amount of investment in equipment, operating costs and payback period have reached levels acceptable even for private vehicle owners.
- Modern, reliable equipment offered by our company is the safety of your vehicle in the conditions of life in a modern metropolis.
- Therefore, it's time to think about whether to remain in the dark and work according to the old scheme, or switch to new advanced technologies that allow you to be more confident in your own safety?!