MicroGISTrack passenger traffic monitoring
The GPS / GLONASS system for monitoring passenger transport was created to implement dispatch control over the work of passenger carriers on international, intercity, suburban and urban public routes.
The GPS/GLONASS passenger transport monitoring system is a simple and effective tool for reducing the current costs of maintaining and maintaining a fleet of vehicles and improving the safety of drivers and passengers.
GPS/GLONASS monitoring system for passenger transport - provides effective control and management of the transport complex of the city or the company's fleet through logistics automation technologies, satellite tracking, GPS monitoring and much more.
The use of GPS / GLONASS systems for monitoring and managing passenger transport is a qualitatively new level of vehicle fleet management.
Features of the GPS/GLONASS passenger transport monitoring system:
- The use of this system is possible on any modern vehicles, without causing harm to regular electronic systems.
- The system is completely autonomous and does not require intervention in the normal vehicle systems.
GPS/GLONASS passenger transport monitoring system provides:
- Ensuring permanent dispatch control over the provision of passenger transportation services on public routes using a satellite navigation system;
- Ensuring the safety of passenger traffic;
- Improving the process of organizing transport services for the population on international, interregional, intercity and urban public routes through the use of satellite navigation system technology;
- Improving the quality of transport services for passengers (observance of traffic regularity and safety) on international, interregional, intercity and urban public routes;
- Improving the efficiency of control over the operation of vehicles on international, interregional, intercity and urban public routes, provides for control over:
- vehicle traffic on the bus route (flight),
- downtime due to technical and other reasons;
- timely execution of routes (flights) provided for by the timetable;
- compliance with speed limits;
- observance of work and rest regimes for drivers;
- Ensuring the minimization of direct intervention of employees of the state control body in road transport in the transportation process;
- Registration and maintenance of route passports;
- Registration and maintenance of driver's passports;
- Organization of vehicle traffic control;
- Formation of analytical reporting on violations of motor transport legislation during the transportation of passengers.
What does the customer need to have?
- Any personal computer or mobile device with Internet access;
- Satellite terminal (tracker) installed on the vehicle;
What are the advantages of the GPS/GLONASS passenger transport monitoring system?
- The customer can control moving objects in real time.
- The system does not require the preparation of a special workplace for control.
- The system does not require the installation of special software for monitoring.
- Access to the database of objects is carried out from any computer or mobile device that has Internet access through a regular WEB browser.
- No special knowledge or training is required to use the system.
- The system keeps a history of movements over a long period of time.
- The system works with a large number of open map services.
How does it work?
- The satellite terminal is discreetly installed inside the vehicle and connected to systems whose parameters need to be controlled by the customer;
- Control over the movement of the object, as well as over the controlled parameters, is carried out using the Internet in real time;
- In the event of an emergency, the driver will be able to send an alarm signal to the dispatcher by pressing the "panic" button;
- A huge number of reports available in the system will greatly simplify the analysis of the performance of both a single vehicle and the fleet as a whole;
- Satellite terminals installed on the vehicle, at the request of the customer, can be additionally equipped with cameras, hands-free kits, immobilizers, information boards, fuel consumption sensors ...

Scheme of operation of the GPS/GLONASS passenger transport monitoring system:
The system implements:
- Monitoring the location and condition of vehicles without leaving the office;
- Monitoring the observance of transport operating modes;
- Control over compliance with transport schedules;
- Passenger flow control;
- Control of timely arrival at the stop;
- Prevention of misuse of service vehicles;
- Improving the efficiency of vehicle use;
- Improve the efficiency of route planning;
- Improving the safety of passenger transportation;
- Preventing theft of fuel;
- Reducing costs and prices for vehicle repairs;
- Identification of dishonest employees;
- Statistics and analysis of fleet activity;
- Help dispatcher in emergency situations;
Additional features:
- Building stops on the map with the ability to control:
- Time of arrival at the stop;
- Departure time from stop;
- Time spent at the stop;
- Time to get to the stop;
- Number of visits to each stop per shift;
- Total time spent at each stop per shift;
- Building routes and calculating their distances with the ability to control:
- Time to start the route;
- Time to leave the route;
- Time spent on the route;
- Number of routes traveled per shift;
- Points of deviation from the route;
- Building a large number of reports on the work of drivers:
- Report on the work of the driver, taking into account all vehicles and routes;
- Report on the number of drivers and the time each driver worked on a specific vehicle;
- Building route sheets and tasks;
- Building a large number of reports on the work / use of transport;
Types of reports on the operation/use of transport:
- Distance traveled over a period of time;
- The distance traveled during the work;
- Time of stops and stops along the route;
- Working hours of transport operation;
- Report on alarm events;
- Fuel consumption report;
- Report on fuel consumption according to norms (coefficients are available);
- Speeding report;
- Report on exceeding the set speed;
- Report on the last location of monitoring objects;
- HR information report;
- Report on the operation of units and systems;
- Report on excessive inactivity of monitoring objects;
- Trip history report;
- OBD diagnostic report;
- Photo reports
- As well as group and summary reports.
Effect of the implementation of the GPS/GLONASS passenger transport monitoring system:
- Significant fuel savings;
- High-quality transport logistics and route optimization;
- Control of the speed limit and time on the route;
- Permanent and reliable control of the location of transport and cargo;
- Efficiency in the use of vehicles;
- Reduction of cases of exceeding the established standards (violation of the speed limit, deviation from the given route, etc.);
- Real-time monitoring and control of routes
- Safety of drivers, passengers and vehicles;
- Exclusion of misuse of technology;
- Discipline of drivers and dispatchers;
- Stability in the provision of services;
- Passenger satisfaction;
- Reducing fuel costs and related costs;
- Reducing vehicle maintenance costs;
- Reducing the cost of mobile communications;
- Increase the life of vehicles;
- Always access to rich insights and reports
- Сумма инвестиций в оборудование, расходы на эксплуатацию и срок окупаемости достигли уровня, приемлемых даже для небольших организаций и частных предпринимателей.
- Современное, надежное оборудование предлагаемое нашей компанией – это сохранность Вашего транспортного средства в условиях жизни современного мегаполиса.
- Поэтому самое время задуматься: оставаться в неведении и работать по старой схеме или же переходить на новые совершенные технологии, которые позволяют быть более уверенным в собственной безопасности?!